The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Monday, May 31, 2010

Celebration of the World

This was the second annual Celebration of the World. There were 24 countries represented at this event. We tried traditional foods from all over the world. Ranging from Belgium chocolates to Sushi. Each booth was very proud of what they had to offer. We had our name written in Korean. This picture of J and M cracks me up. We really didn't know what to expect but we had a very pleasant day and look forward to next years.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Weekend fun

10 favorite things about this weekend

1. I was so proud of J. She has been wanting to fast and SHE DID IT! I was so proud of her and she was proud of herself.

2. C went to a lego party this weekend.

3. We went to the sporting goods store and bought some balls to play dodge ball. One of our family fav sports.

4.We went to dinner at our friends house and then played dodgeball. A few hard balls to the face and some tears but we all had a really great time. Thanks R (he always gets a little too excited;)

5. Grandma and Grandpa called to talk. They sent us a fun package this week.

6.Our home in Bountiful had a break in the main line. 50,000 gallons of water later and no damage was done! We feel blessed.

7.I made cinnamon rolls. yummy

8.R babe has started standing on his own. He is getting his 4 top teeth in. You can only see the side teeth and he looks like a vampire when he smiles. Cutest thing ever.

9.J went to a birthday party this weekend. We don't have a dryer and our towels feel like sand paper. I went to pick J up at the party. She took me upstairs because her friend has her own bathroom and I guess that is pretty cool. She then grabs her friends towel and rubs her face on it and says you have to feel how soft this is. Oh the memories of having soft fluffy towels.

10.We are so thankful for our Garmin. What would we do without it?