The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentines day Bouquet

I know it is a little past due, but valentintes day was so much fun I have to write about it. The only thing that could have made it better was Ryan being home. Then again if he were home I probably would not have received these flowers. If you have never been to Lowe's kids club I would recommend it. We went to Lowe's and made a little jewelry box. They give the kids an apron, and safety goggles to take home and use for future events. Every other saturday they have a project you can go make. It is all free and the kids love it. So we made our little project and headed off to the dollar show the feature being "Bolt" (cute show). That day it was quite snowy and cold. The theatre really has no parking so you have to park behind the theatre along some residential street. We were running a bit late and I knew it was going to be crowded. I found a spot and pull in. As soon as I pulled in I realized the snow was probably a little to deep to be parking in . I didn't have enough time to deal with the situation so I left the car there and went into the movie. I was 99% sure when I got back I was going to be stuck. During the movie I just kept praying that I was going to be able to get out. Not only did I have my 3 kids but I had a neighbor girl with me and I am 5 months pregnant. Just as I suspected I get back to the car after the show, start it up and yep I am stuck. What to do. Before I even get out of the car to asses the situation some nice guy is walking over to help. In just a few more minutes someone else was on his way. It just so happened that he had a bobcat (mini front loader) He had me dug out in minutes. My prayers had been answered and I was so thankful for kind people. We get home from our little adventure and there is a note on the door saying I missed a flower delivery. Yahoo!!!! I went and picked up the flowers not only were they beautiful but R had sent a little note that made me cry. To top it all off it came with chocolate covered strawberries and a stuffed animal. I was so impressed that R went all out. The kids and I went and got some Panda Express came home and had a fun little valentine dinner. What a great day!

1 comment:

DeSpain Domain said...

Hey Mandy. If my memory serves me correctly, I think you had a birthday yesterday. If not, I hope I am only a few days off. I was just thinking about you and thought I would say a quick hello!