My favorite thing about this picture is C trying to make M look at the camera. I was so excited for J. Aurora has been J favorite princess for a long time. This was our last day there and we were on our way out. It was our lucky day.
We waited and waited and waited and finally made it. It was Thanksgiving day and this was the longest line we waited in. It was a good hour but worth the wait. We decided to have one of the princesses tell J she was going to have another little sister or brother. Belle broke the news and J was pretty confused about the whole thing. She was so funny. The first thing she says to me was how long have you known. Then we let her tell the rest of the family. This was a day to be remembered.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa Arbuckle for once again planning a fun family vacation. We always have fun with you, but going to Disneyland with you was just a perk. Thank you for all the fun memories. We will never forget this family vacation. We had so many memorable experiences. I think one of our favorites was the pulling out of J front tooth. It had been holding on by a thread for days. Grandma tried putting floss on it to pull it out but that only made her gums bleed and her cry. We let it go for a few days until we all just couldn't stand it. Grandma hates roller coasters. It just so happens that J loves them. Grandma made a bet with her. If she let her pull out the tooth Grandma would go on Screamer with J. Without even a flinch J said o.k. In minutes the tooth was out and J was planning when they would head over to screamer. Grandma held up her end of the bargain. She turned a little green we all wondered if she was going to loose her lunch but thankfully kept it in. Grandma your the best!
This was such a fun night. We had gone into Salt Lake to celebrate Grandma Arbuckle's 80th birthday. She had a fancy dinner at the Joseph Smith building. We took the oportunity to take the kids to the visitors center at Temple square. It has been updated so much since our last visit there. The kids attention span didn't last as long as I had hoped but none the less we still had a fun time.