The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Miracle of the Chocolate Fazenda

We like to call this day the Miracle of the Chocolate Fazenda. There were two miracles we experienced this day. We had been driving for 2 hours or so and were just about to give it up and go home. We stopped to get gas and the first miracle happened. R asked for directions... no that was not the miracle. The miracle was the gas attendant told us we were close and gave us directions and she was actually giving us legitimate directions. The second miracle was R was able to understand the directions, therefore getting us to the chocolate farm. We were so proud and excited to actually be at our final destination. .
Score 1 for the Arbuckle Family!

The vibrant colors of the caterpillar against the tree caught M's eye.
There were hundreds of these things and they were about 6" long.

You know how our family loves Bees!
Check out this Beehive.

Pony rides $2.oo

Can't beat that!

All my boys watching J saddle up.
(and some random little girl)

Do they still makes these?
Is this OSHA approved?

A fish and a turtle co-habitating.

Mr. Don King the Duck

You would have thought these ducks hadn't eaten for days.
They saw food and came a swimmin'


When in Brazil....

To finish off the day a sweet treat from the Chocolate Store.


Every last bite!

We loved looking around this store.
We ended up with a giant size loaf of bread, some homemade raspberry jam,
garlic and onion flavored nuts and a few other treats.
All in all a really fun day!


1 comment:

gantrieb said...

what a fun day! that place looks great!