The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Reasonings of a 9 year old.

J and I were walking home from the store.

J: Hey mom, call dad and tell him we are going to the mall.

M: J I couldn't find my phone last night so I didn't charge it therefore I don't have it with me.

J: Do you know where it is because I do.

M: Yeah I found it in the weirdest spot.

J: I know because I put it there.

M: Why did you put it there.

J: I was getting revenge.

M: Why were you mad at me?

J: I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at Dad.

M: Then why did you hide MY phone?

J: Because I knew if I hid Dad's phone I would be dead meat.

M: So how was hiding my phone getting revenge.

J: Because Dad's company pays for your phone.

M: HUH? You do realize we can't go to the mall now because you hid my phone.

J: Oh, now Dad is toast, I am really going to get revenge.

M: Do you do this a lot?

J: No, this was my first time.


Gage said...

This is awesome!!

gantrieb said...

that is hilarious! i love the 'revenge'!