The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

M first day Preschool

We really debated back and forth between a Portuguese or English speaking school for M. We visited a few different ones and this one seemed to be a good match for us. It is taught in English but the kids are Brazilian, most of them anyway. I really wanted for him to be around children who speak Portuguese but not overwhelmed by a totally new environment. He just loves school. He loves the time away from home and all the activities they do. He is so happy, which is a welcome change from the first 6 months we were here.
The first few days of school they have adaptation where the parents come and stay with them at school. M kept telling me to leave. I finally left the room just to make him happy. He saw that I left my purse and brought it to me trying to kick me out. I didn't know if I should take it personally. Here I am reflecting on the past few years of his life with tears in my eyes and he is giving me the boot. Please can't you cry, make a scene let me know you can't live with out me. But I get NOTHING! Love you little man.

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