The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

His Kung-Fu skills in action

We live in this new apartment and you know how every home has its little quirks. So All the doors in this apartment have a lock and no keys. We get a nice breeze through here sometimes so the doors will slam shut if caught by the wind. The kids, for some unknown reason to me, were playing with the locks and just happened to leave this one locked but the door opened. As you can guess the wind caught it and the door is locked. We thought about waiting until Monday to see if the landlord had keys. It was driving R nuts because his baby, (not the kids) but his computer was in there. After pacing the floor in a nervous fit he decided to free his baby and kick down the door. Yes kick it in! I really don't blame him and actually thought it was rather funny. The week had been very eventful with the move and everything and this was just the icing.
The poor door it was so pretty with all the trim.

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