The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

My little Valentines

 We did just move but I couldn't let Valentines Day just slip by without any recognition.  Since I am very limited on baking supplies here I was so happy to find some mini muffins and I just happened to bring some powdered sugar and sprinkles from home.  We whipped up some icing and did a little valentine treat decorating.  We invited some friends over that live near us and moved here the same week we did.  The kids had a great time having friends over and decorating their treats.  

I gave each of the kids a little love note with some conversation hearts.  M was wondering where I got the conversation hearts because they don't have stuff like that here.  I told him I got them in Utah.  He asked in a very concerned voice if I had flown home without him.  What a cutie.  He was glad to find out that I didn't fly home without him but that I purchased them before I left.  That night R brought all the kids some chocolates and J and I some flowers.  He was surprised to get a can of his Favorite Dr. Pepper.  

1 comment:

katik said...

Just read all of your China posts and it seems like things are going great. So glad you have friends and the church. I think the constant dumplings and the giant lite brite would convince me to stay forever! Have a great time!