The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

My Birthday

Can I just brag about my children for 2 seconds.  We really had a lot on our plate this past week.  We have been doing some shopping getting ready to move out of the service apartment into our new home.  R has been working crazy hours from home.  I am talking 10-12 hour days.  Moving day was suppose to be on my birthday.  Some how we were able to move the day before.  I wasn't expecting any sort of celebration on my 35th birthday due to the fact we were moving and R has been so busy with work.  To my surprise I woke up on the big day to this "Happy B Day sign"  It really brought me to tears that J would be so thoughtful  and get up early to wish me a Happy Birthday and surprise me.  What a cutie.  Then a few nights before she got all the boys together and had them make me earrings.  Since there was no wrapping paper they got post it notes and stuck them together making a little bag to put them in.  I was so touched at how thoughtful they were in making my birthday so special.

The afternoon R took me to lunch at a Brazilian BBQ and our Ayi (maid, nanny) cooked some yummy Chinese food.  Then a friend from the ward totally went out of her way and brought me cookies and flowers.  She also e-mailed all the ladies in the ward that it was my birthday.  I received a flood of text messages wishing me a Happy Birthday.  Not to mention the calls and messages from family. What a great day it ended up being. For dessert we went to a local bakery and picked out some pastries and cakes and gobbled them all up.  

I guess what I am trying to say is what I thought was going to be just an ordinary day ended up being a very special one.  Thanks to thoughtful people. 

1 comment:

Adams family :) said...

Birthday's should never just be ordinary! Because you are so great!!