The journey is the reward!

The Journey is the reward!

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

St. Patrick's Day

 The imagination of a 5 year old can't be beat.  His class was fully prepared to disappoint those nettlesome Leprechauns.  With no success they showed up to class and ravaged the place.  Many hours were spent making a paper train hanging from the door and beautifully decorated pot's of Gold complete with rainbow.  After ransacking the class room those pesky Leprechaun's did a number on our house.  Hopefully they washed after using the toilet.  M was so exited for the day to arrive and talked about those "What do you call them again mom" Leprechauns for a good week ahead of time.  He was very worried and wanted to call Grandma and warn her of them.  

M even sported his four-leaf clover hat at the store that night.  
Happily singing the song he learned about Leprechauns.

 Next year we may even try to catch one. 
 I hear they are tricky little fellows.

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